Chickaboom Home 2 Setup


home2Here’s what we’re going for. We want a homepage with a sidebar that displays our posts in a grid with 2 columns.

First, make sure you have the WP Canvas shortcode plugin installed. You can do this by installing the recommended plugins that come prepackaged with your theme.

Then, simply insert your posts.

Or, just copy / paste this shortcode into your page.

[wc_posts author="" author_name="" p="" post__in="" order="DESC" orderby="date" post_status="publish" post_type="post" posts_per_page="12" taxonomy="" field="slug" terms="" title="yes" meta_all="yes" meta_author="yes" meta_date="yes" meta_comments="yes" thumbnail="yes" content="yes" paging="yes" size="wcsquare" filtering="yes" columns="2" gutter_space="40" heading_type="h2" layout="grid" template="borderless" excerpt_length="20"][/wc_posts]