Issue – Woocommerce Images Blurry

If you just installed woo-commerce with one of  our e-commerce compatible themes, and your product images are fuzzy, here’s what to do!

1. Go to Woocommerce in your dashboard and head over to your products tab.
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2. Scroll Down until you see the option to set your image sizes. Here is what mine are set at. If you images are blurry, odds are that they are not set to be large enough. Try using these values as a start.

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3. Now that you have reset your images, you will need to regenerate, or recreate your thumbnail images. Luckily, there is a plugin that makes this very easy. Simply install Regenerate Thumbnails plugin. (Found Here:

Install and activate the plugin under your plugin tab.

4. Once activated, find your Regenerate Thumbnails option under your tools tab in your dashboard.

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5. Hit the button to regenerate your thumbnails and viola! Your pictures should no longer be blurry.